World War II In Northeast India: A Story Of Imphal And Kohima Battles || Kherienuo Ltu || Book Review

 World War II In Northeast India: A Story Of Imphal And Kohima Battles

It is the doctoral thesis of Kherienuo Ltu, for which she was awarded the degree of PhD in History. The Second World War was one of the defining event of the last century. As all war do, is acted as a catalyst for momentous change in the social, economic and political fabric of the belligerent nations. The battle of Imphal began on March 8, 1944 and the battle of Kohima on April 4, 1944 .

The Japanese had three reasons for attacking Kohima i.e., The geographical location of Kohima and Imphal made them strategically important as they were the gateway to India for the Japanese; to prevent the British from recapturing Burma by cutting off the Kohima-Imphal road which joined Burma and importantly because Japan needed to boost her morale which was low dur to their loss in Pacific and Guadalcanal. The Japan plan to invade India was code named U-Go.

World War II In Northeast India
World War II In Northeast India

This book very clearly explained in detail how the Japanese planned and tried to invade India, yet failed drastically against the Britishers. The book is broadly divided into five main criteria of the war. It all started from the introduction and ended with the conclusion and consequences of the battle,  the contents are systematically divided into sub-headings. The Japanese were not at ease with the British in India, as they featured that the British would attack them and recapture their conquered territories. Japan, therefore wanted to expel the British from India. The war was a global conflict.

Kohima War Cemetery is a memorial dedicated to soldiers of the 2nd British Division of the allied forces who died in the Second World War at Kohima, the capital of Nagaland. I, therefore highly recommend this book to every single person particularly of our country, who are still not aware about the Japanese invasion of India. It is all about gaining knowledge more about our country, India.